Representing dissident views
Advisory that is wise, pragmatic, honest and in service to citizens needs & interests
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We aim to illuminate what the corporate, government and mainstream media are ignoring, marginalising, manipulating or unjustly discrediting.
And ... to bring this to the public awareness.
Too often experts with dissident or heretical opinions are marginalised, dismissed or ignored. We aim to include, examine and support valuable contributions from such experts.
Dialogue is beyond debate and the polarisation of contrasting - right and wrong - views. Dialogue is about open inquiry, mutual learning and an integration of opposite perspectives. It requires a suspension of beliefs and positions.
Are citizen interests being accounted for, protected and considered in equal measures with corporate objectives and agendas ? We call for enhanced and rigorous scrutiny when reviewing complex decisions and strategies.
There is a danger to society in giving the majority adversely influenced by 'group think' the priority over a well researched, independent and informed minority.
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect) - Mark Twain
Let us first take the position that people are acting from genuine concerns, good will and seeking to do the right things for society.
People with dissenting opinions as well as those in authority have families, care for our environment and seek to leave a healthy legacy for generations to come.
Fundamental principles of natural law are in alignment with nature: Do no harm, cause no loss or injury, act in honour, call out wrong- doing and untruths. These represent our natural 'god given' free will and birth rights as sovereign human beings.
It is an authentic expression of human sovereignty to serve society as an independent, responsible, dissident voice. We are obligated to do this for the health of society, our planet and the generations to come.
Our mission is to offer a trusted and insightful representation of dissident views that are too often dismissed, marginalised or ignored by main stream media, education, corporations and governments. Heretical perspectives that in times of great change, if harnessed, may serve as protection and guidance to society.
Our first Concerned Citizens Advisory Assembly has advocated to place three councils on DEFAULT NOTICES.
Delegates after review and scrutiny of the issues have endorsed this escalation measure. Escalation is necessary as Councils responded inappropriately showing leadership hubris and neglect of due diligence.
CLINTEL - Climate Intelligence - A policy watch-dog has 1960 signatures of scientists that are notifying the public that there is NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY. They warn against severe impacts from unnecessary Net Zero policies of Governments and Global Corporations.
3000 dissident climate scientists, whistle blowers and public declarations are summarised on a 2 page leaflet with links to references.
Are there hidden agendas and severe implications to Net Zero that the public and regional councils / councillors are not being advised of ? ... THIS MUST BE ADDRESSED
Cancel culture is a phenomenon in which an individual is considered to have spoken about or promoted an unacceptable subject is ostracized, boycotted, shunned and closed down.
Prevalent across media, politics and the public sector. It poses danger to society when dissenting scientific and advisory views are cancelled.
Rachel interviews Sandi Adams to discuss how the UN agendas are affecting farmers globally and the protests around the EU.
Public sector is complicit in creating a farming & food crisis
The Council Watch team went to London on 19th November 2024
A must watch to understand what is really going on
How certain are you about net zero policies, targets and plans ? ... and what of the implications ?
Why are 1900 Experts warning the public against Net Zero targets, plans & policies ?
Councils have NOT been listening to or acting upon expert warnings about the health effects of 5G.
Serious health concerns are being dismissed and ignored.
This film exposes the climate alarm as an invented scare without any basis in science. It shows that mainstream studies and official data do not support the claim that we are witnessing an increase in extreme weather events – hurricanes, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires and all the rest. It emphatically counters the claim that current temperatures and levels of atmospheric CO2 are unusually and worryingly high. On the contrary, compared to the last half billion years of earth’s history, both current temperatures and CO2 levels are extremely and unusually low. We are currently in an ice age. It also shows that there is no evidence that changing levels of CO2 (it has changed many times) has ever ‘driven’ climate change in the past.
Ex ITV Documentary maker Richard Jeffs highlights how the major problems of the world are being deliberately manufactured as a means of ushering in a new global governance system. A new system that is not democratic and serves the dystopian interests of large global corporations.
There is a continued drive toward the transformation of our societies in ways that threaten democracy and our existing way of life. PANDA Open Sessions examine the scientific, political, societal and economic dimensions of these influences.
Richard Jeffs is a former ITV producer. He is now an independent investigative filmmaker
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