This is a video recording of a path finding CCAA zoom call held on 26th November 2024 attended by over 70 participants. It includes:
Seven Concerned Citizens through a series of freedom of information inquiries have found that the regional Council organisation system is not fit for emergency planning and execution. Left unchecked this poses a significant threat to the prosperity and wellbeing of citizens and the region from decisions, policy and plans being created and implemented by an organisation system not designed for this purpose.
Torbay, Cornwall and Devon County Councils were placed on rectification notices with the failings and concerns highlighted and communicated to the Executive Board, Internal Auditors and all Councillors. Furthermore 450 Town & Parish council clerks were notified and requested to pass the information forward to their Councillors.
Ongoing institutional failures in Advisory , Governance and Audit were identified with examples of the issues provided to each council.
Responses from the Council Executives have been grossly inappropriate, which further demonstrates the issues being notified and additionally leadership hubris.
Seven Concerned Citizens are seeking to escalate the notice procedure by serving the councils with Default notices supported by advocacy from CCAA.
56 page report + videos + Regional consultation response
The report highlights and analyses findings from a series of freedom of information inquiries. It includes a response from CLINTEL regarding the Devon, Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Climate Adaption strategy.
The videos offer a summary of the findings together with the five short, original presentations made by concerned citizens to Senior Council Officers.
to the Devon & Cornwall climate adaption strategy
We asked the independent CLINTEL Climate Intelligence for their response to the Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly climate adaption strategy.
The formal consultation period was open between May and June 2023 - reference -
Part A is the CLINTEL response emphasising the climate science and Part B is the Seven Concerned Citizens response emphasising organisational rigour and processes.
A summary of the escalation letter that formally notifies Torbay CEO and Board that urgent rectification is required as their organisation is NOT FIT to manage the 'declared' climate emergency.
Summary of the report explaining WHY the Council system is NOT FIT to manage the declared emergency and the rectifications require
This video offers presentations prepared for an initial meeting in January 2023 with Torbay Council Officers, raising concerns regarding:
1. The proposed Torbay Climate Emergency Action Plan
2. Implications of the plan on the region, businesses and its citizens .
3. Council planning systems being 'fit for purpose'
4. Pragmatism of the policy and the nature of scientific information.
Affirming the meeting were over 200 informed citizens gathered outside the council building in peaceful support.
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